Most people don’t realize that stress actually sets off a series of responses in the body that are designed to conserve our energy for the possibility of “fight or flight”. That stress might be only in your mind, and not a real physical danger, but your body doesn’t recognize the difference. So, to keep you safe, it slows down digestion, detox, repair, reproduce, and rebuild mechanisms and sends that energy to the muscles, to certain parts of the brain, raising blood pressure and shutting down whatever is not deemed essential to survival. The problem with this is that when we are under stress for a long time, things like digestion can suffer. Gas, bloating, indigestion, and poor absorption of nutrients are all signs that your digestive fire is low. The Tonic Lattes in this collection help to support a healthy digestive system, nourish your inner glow, restore a healthy response to stress, and help you move through transitions with ease and grace.