
My favorite way to use Essential Medicina is at the start of my day. I’m not a coffee drinker, but I do enjoy waking up to a warm, nourishing elixir. I stir a heaping teaspoon of Medicina in a cup of hot water with either a few drops of stevia or a 1/2 teaspoon of honey. Then I top it off with steamed hemp milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon. It’s not too strong nor too light. I find it’s the perfect companion to my morning, whether I’m reading on the porch or waking up with yoga. Yummmmmm. 

~Jason Mraz, Musician and Farmer jasonmraz.com

I wouldn’t be surprised if Le Pain Quotidien starts doing one soon.

~Ryland Engelhart, Co-owner Cafe Gratitude as featured in Bon Apetit

Thank you Eric Baumgartner for my morning ritual. A cup of goodness from Essential Medicina . Yum!

~Birgitta Kastenbaum, End of Life Transition Guide  www.bridgingtransitions.net

Using the Essential Medicina adrenal program steadily over the course of six months has brought back vitality, enthusiasm and inspiration into every cell in my body. Before I began I felt sluggish, constantly exhausted and mentally foggy – no matter how clean my diet was or how much exercise I got. After using the herbs, I have more energy than I know what to do with – and am pouring it into creative projects, my own business and living a life I love and now have the energy to pursue.

~Jon Marro, Solar Artist JonMarro.com

I feel like my entire body starts doing the can-can when I use the Essential Medicina Adrenal Essence formula in my smoothies! It is simultaneously nourishing, restoring and energizing – incredible! I’m highly sensitive to caffeine so finding something that gives me energy and stamina without making me jittery is such a gift. You must try this stuff, it’s magic.

~Eva Ackerman LandoftheLovely.com

I am in such appreciation of Essential Medicina. Both Adrenal Essence and Mind’s Eye have been cultivated and created with so much thought, care, and intelligence. That they also taste excelente is further evidence of the loving alchemy that birthed them.

~RF, Los Angeles